Engineers undergo a four years curriculum as doctors, but they do not get any 'Er.' in front of their names! It is unfair towards other professions. Goal of medicine is to save lives whereas that of engineering is to enrich them. There is as much professional risk associated with engineering as it is with medicine. From some of the engineering disasters like the Challenger shuttle, it is evident that lives are also lost due to engineering errors. On a different note, in modern medicine, all the equipments like the ventilator, the X-rays, the pacemaker, the artificial incubation, dialysis are all results of engineering efforts. Apparently, no one seems to appreciate that!
When you complete your graduation, post graduation, continue in the field of your choice with all your heart, engage in research activity & earn a doctorate degree; you deserve the addendum of 'Dr.' But, the medical professionals, I don't think so!
that all i wann to say.....what do u say guys!!
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